Sound Therapy with BioMat

A powerful, patented system

The patented BioMat® system was developed by a multidisciplinary team of scientists, medical professionals and engineers who found an innovative way to capture the proven benefits of far infrared treatment and negative ion therapy in a range of products that are durable, comfortable, cost-effective and easy to use.  The efficacy of BioMat® source technology has been confirmed by numerous third-party sources, and the product has been subjected to a battery of antibacterial, electromagnetic and emission power tests.


Combining The BioAcoustic Mat With The Biomat

The BioAcoustic mat is a sound healing vibroacoustic therapy bed, and the Amethyst Biomat is a bed filled with amethyst crystals that emits far infrared and negative ions.  Combining light and sound, they work synergistically to provide deep foundational healing that are beneficial on their own or in combination with therapies such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, energy healing, sound healing, and physical therapy.  When you are experiencing the Amethyst Biomat on top of the BioAcoustic Sound Healing Bed, you will feel the vibrations (which you can control in intensity) located in the lower section of the bed near the sacrum (where the larger speaker is.)  This vibration will travel through the Biomat and it can either be very strong, or very subtle.  In addition to the lower frequencies which create a vibratory sound massage and relax the muscles, you will also hear the speakers located in the upper part of the mat which will emit beautiful and healing music which is designed by Dr. Lee Bartel (choose from Energize, Relax, Deep Sleep, or Relieve Stress.)  You have the option to control the volume of the music in the controller so it can be silent, quiet, or loud.   

When the Biomat is on top of the Bioacoustic bed, you will be experiencing the vibrations and the sounds while also feeling the warmth of the far infrared rays and the subtle tingle of negative ions being delivered from the Biomat.  So imagine, you are deeply relaxed listening to specially created healing music, AND you are vibrating from the deep base sounds, AND you are feeling heat (you control the temperature) from the far infrared rays passing through amethyst crystals in the Biomat AND you are receiving all the benefits of the negative ions which target and relax the nervous system as well.  This healing combo of light and sound through crystals will powerfully relieve stress and anxiety, and relax you to the point of becoming a bowl of blissed-out jello.   How could it be described?  Seriously, it will relax you.  It will provide a powerful healing session either on its own, or as a foundation to the healing work you provide for others. 

Clinical Study Of The Bioacoustic Mat With Dementia And Alzheimer's

Click Here to Learn More of the Study 

The Bioacoustic mat is a revolutionary vibroacoustic therapy device that can be used on its own, or in combination with the Amethyst Biomat. It delivers low frequency sound pulsations and brainwave entrainment music with immense therapeutic benefits. It’s low frequency sound generator delivers a deep acoustic massage for joints and tissues and induces profound relaxation. The lower frequencies of 30-68 hz massage large muscles and the higher frequencies of 52-88 hz massage smaller muscles.

Dial In With The BioAcoustic Mat And Sync Your Mind To Binaural Beats

If you ever found yourself tapping your feet to the beat of a song, you have the basic idea of entrainment. It is a physic principle where one rhythmic system falls in line with another. It is our body’s way of going with the flow.

From a physics standpoint, less energy is required when one system falls in line with another. The human brain is a complex system and is made up of an immense neural network which sends and receives signals. It shapes our entire reality. The pulses are rhythmic in nature and can be temporarily subject to entrainment.

The phenomenon called the “Frequency Following Response” is where living things have the tendency to sync up its action to another frequency. By using pulsing sounds, we can elicit the brain’s Frequency Following response to stimulate the brain into a specific frequency. When we influence our brainwaves, we can influence how well we can relax, concentrate, or even sleep.

The BioAcoustic Mat’s music is embedded with specific frequencies that coax our mind into different therapeutic states. The carefully constructed tracks stimulate healthy neural activity in the brain by controlling the number of sounds the ear hears per second and by playing a slightly different pitch in each ear. This results in our mind syncing with the rhythm and our body becoming more relaxed – or more energized – depending on the track.

Reboot And Restore With Therapeutic Sounds And Vibrations

Feel the pulses of the Bioacoustic Mat’s healing energy. Vibro-Acoustic relaxation is not just for the brain. It also provides deep physical cellular stimulation to the skin, muscles, and joints. Research has shown that relaxing music helps reduce stress. However, with the BioAcoustic Mat you can not only hear the music, but feel it as well. Like a massage, the vibrations from the BioAcoustic Mat calms the body and feels good. This is what vibroacoustic therapy is.

Vibro-Acoustics from the BioAcoustic Mat relaxes you in two ways:

Powerful low frequency speakers and transducers are used to help deliver a deep acoustic cellular massage. The lower frequencies are used to massage large muscles, and the higher frequencies massage smaller muscles.

These sounds affect brain activity to help contribute to a state of mental well-being. Professors and researchers have collaborated to create beautiful soothing music which is designed to help you reach a calming sense of tranquility and peace. The music is composed and designed in a way to complement the frequencies emitted by the speakers. The vibrations stimulate the nerves in the spine, brain stem, and limbic system that drives emotional response. They also activate the auditory nerves that connect to your muscle tissue, and the low frequency bass causes the muscle tissue to be at ease.

Sound Therapy & Vibroacoustic Therapy

The Bioacoustic Mat music is organized into 4 categories to help you renew or relax your body, prepare you for sleep, or to relieve stress.

The Bioacoustic mat controller contains 12 tracks developed by Vibro-Acoustic expert , Dr. Lee Bartel. The therapeutic music was created in the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Betta, or Gamma wavelengths for entrainment.

Vibro-Acoustic Therapy

The healing power of sound has been shown to offer many health benefits. Sound healing uses different aspects of sound to improve your emotional or physical well-being. How it works depends on the method of sound healing being used.

Healing Sounds

Vibro-acoustic therapy is typically accompanied with soothing music. The music is composed in a way which complements the frequencies of the vibrations. These are frequencies that many therapists and medical professionals have found to be effective in the treatment of different ailments and conditions, as they stimulate your brain into certain states by using sound, or lights.

What Are Healing Frequencies?

Brainwaves are the root of all your thoughts and emotions. They are electrical pulses that facilitate communication between all of your neurons. The state of your brain and how your day is going are inseparable, and research shows irregular brainwaves are associated with all sorts of emotional and neurological conditions. Our brainwaves only exist in a few states, and these different states bring all different types of feelings, ranging from deep meditative states to high information processing.

The Musical Expert Behind The BioAcoustic Mat

Dr. Lee Bartel

Professor at the University of Toronto, College of Music

Director of the Canadian Music Education Research Centre

Dr. Bartel is a Professor Emeritus of Music and former Associate Dean for research at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Music, as well as Director of Music and Health Research Collaboratory. Dr.Bartel has a special interest in applications of music in health conditions of aging and rehabilitation. He is well known for his research and design of music for health. His primary research interest in currently in Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation (RSS) with applications for several types of pain.

Within the Canadian Music Education Research Centre, Dr. Bartel is the Coordinator of the Music, Mind, and Brain Special Research Interest Group, and Coordinator of the Music Therapy and Health Special Interest Group. He has also served on the Accreditation Review Board for the Canadian Association of Music Therapy, has been involved in noteworthy studies with the Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto, and supervised doctoral and post-doctoral research at Bloorview Kid’s Rehab, Lyndhurst Hospital, and Baycrest Hospital.

Drawing upon many years of experience, Dr.Bartel designed the internationally best-selling Music for your Health series from the Solitudes label, as well as Somerset Entertainment’s SonicAid series. His Gold and Platinum album work has been nominated for several Juno Awards. Today, Dr.Bartel’s contributions include 16 books, multiple academic papers, and publications.

$60 per session

Membership Options:

4x per month: $180 (buy 4 get one free)

8x per month: $360 (buy 8 get 2 free)

BioMat Massage Treatments available.